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Failure to plan for a loss of critical data can result in reduced customer confidence, low productivity, possible legal action and at worst can ultimately lead to business failure.
What would be the cost to your business if you lost your critical data?
While the technology used to perform backups can be varied, it is the strategy implemented that will determine the effectiveness of the solution. Although there are several ways to design a protection strategy, the 3-2-1 rule produces the most effective, reliable results:
Keep at least three copies of your data
This refers to the original copy and at least two backups
Store your backups on two different storage types
For example, external hard drive and file share
Keep at least one copy of the data offsite
Keep a third copy in an offsite location, such as the cloud.
With the reduction in costs of both physical, on-site storage and cloud-based storage, the above backup solution is well within the reach of even the smaller businesses. Get in touch to find out more.
While backups are the first and foremost defense against data loss, a businesses ability to operate in the event of a exteneded outage needs to be examined. If, for example, your premises were destroyed by fire, without a documented Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plan, how would you proceed?
For advice and assistance with any of the following areas of recovery and continuity, get in touch.
Business impact analysis
Solution design and implementation
Solution testing\evaluation
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